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October 2021 COVID and ILLNESS policy update

October 5, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — Cordes Orthodontics @ 5:18 pm

Happy fall! As a reminder, the current recommendations for coming into the office are as follows:

1) If you are generally unwell- fever, congestion, coughing, sneezing, having a hard time with allergies, feeling-like-a-truck-hit-you flu-like symptoms, please reschedule. Even in non-pandemic times, we are still working in the mouth, and it is uncomfortable,unhealthy, and unnecessary for the patients and staff for you to be here instead of at home resting.

2) Please wear a mask into the office, even if you are vaccinated.

3) If anyone at home is ill, COVID or otherwise, we are allowing a 10 day “family feel-better” rescheduling period.

4) If someone at school or your home was in contact with your child and has been diagnosed with COVID, please reschedule, even if your child is asymptomatic.

Thank you for your understanding and working with us to keep everyone safe!

Dave Cordes